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Books, Autographs & Prints / Part II

Wednesday 31 March 2021, 03:00 PM • Rome



Code of recipes - Historical manuscripts, 1800


€ 500 - 700


€ 640

The price includes buyer's premium


Interesting set of manuscripts dating from the late eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century, coming from a noble family from the Marche region.

Two gastronomy manuscripts stand out, the first without binding is a transcription, with variants, of & nbsp; The arts of the confectioner and liqueurist credenziere reduced to the ultimate perfection by Vincenzio Agnoletti (Florence: by Giuseppe Pagani, 1826); the second, decidedly more interesting, is a small manuscript of recipes ascribable to Enrico Conti and Natale Bongini, dated 1852, 133 numbered pages ranging from the recipe for Rape Tart to Milanese Risotto. On the reverse, a selection of Chosen Lunches made by Fra Alb. ° Zamparini Dominican , an impressive sequence of sumptuous lunches organized by the aforementioned friar to celebrate the feasts. The lot also includes several other manuscripts, including a contemporary copy of the Memorial of St. Helena , two interesting polemical pamphlets of reactionary and restorative inspiration, The Monkey of the Snake and the Friend of Truth , the acts of a murder trial that sees a woman as accused (Bartolozzi trial), the Rules for the Congregation of the Oblate Convictors of the Holy Child Jesus in Rome , The Conclave of 1774, and other documents.