Finarte does not stop, and once more obtains excellent results. After the photography auction, also the Multiples and Prints sale obtained an excellent result. More than 83% of the lots were sold, an incredible 135% for the value, for a total of almost € 160,000.
An extraordinary result for a peculiar auction, organized entirely remotely, due to the quarantine restrictions, also thanks to the excellent coordination and professionalism of Finarte’s team. The group has been able to overcome all the ongoing difficulties and to offer its customers a catalogue of the highest level and one unique auction experience.
The competition on may of the lots was quite intense, and it demonstrated the rebirth of a market, that of prints and multiples, in which Finarte has believed since 2015.
Among the top lots by Italian artists Profili by Mario Ceroli, 1975, sold for € 2.048 quadrupling the basic estimate; L’Enigma del pomeriggio a classic plaza by Giorgio De Chirico, 1970, sold for € 1.920 (lot 49). From one master to another – at lot 65 – Lucio Fontana and his multiple in pink PVC sold for € 4.596.
- MARIO CEROLI, Profili, 1975
- GIORGIO DE CHIRICO, L’enigma del pomeriggio, 1970
- LUCIO FONTANA, Concetto spaziale , 1968
Lot 101, a series of prints by Marino Marini, an hommage to Sacre Printemps by Igor Stravinsky, from a starting price of € 2.500 was sold for € 8.250. Colletors appreciate homages fondly as demonstrates the works chosen as a cover to the catalogue, by Ugo Nespolo picturing a museum room dedicated to Keith Haring, that from an estimate € 200 reached a selling price of € 1.152 (lot 113).
For € 2.304 is sold Finestra, colour screen printing on canvas by Mario Schifano (lot 159) that had a starting bid of € 600.
- MARINO MARINI, Personnages du Sacre Printemps, 1974, € 3.000 – 5.000
- UGO NESPOLO, Al museo – omaggio ad Haring
If these national artists have aroused a high interest among collectors, even more so, have the international works. Starting with Salvador Dalì, lot 42, with his bronze Venus Spatiale that is indeed the top scorer of the evening with a selling price of € 27,539.
The pop-up book by the most famous New Yorker graffiti artist, Keith Haring, lot 77, found a new home for € 1,920. The ever-loved Pablo Picasso, present here with a ceramic plate decorated with a goat’s head, doubles the initial estimate to reach € 13,900. The female portrait at lot 194, a screenprint by Andy Warhol, is sold, quadrupling its starting bid, for € 11,400.
- Salvador Dalì, Venus Spatiale 1977-84
- KEITH HARING, Luna Luna Karussel, A poetic extravaganza, Pop up 3D, 1986
- ANDY WARHOL, Ladies and Gentleman, Tav.5, 1975
Complete results

Monday 27 April 2020, 05:00 PM • Rome
Finarte upcoming auction
– Vini e Distillati (Hong Kong, 17th of May)
– Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Rome, 28th of May)
– Fashion Vintage (Rome, 11th of June)
– Gioielli e Orologi (Milano, 18th of June)
– Argenti e Monete (Milano, 18th of June)
*All results include the buyer’s premium