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Tuesday 06 December 2022 e Wednesday 07 December 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Gastronomia - Futurismo - Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso

(Alessandria d’Egitto 1876 - Bellagio 1944)

The futuristic kitchen, 1932


€ 1.000 - 1.200


€ 1.280

The price includes buyer's premium


Milan, Sonzogno, 1932. 267 p., [2] pages of editorial advertisements, undact copy, tear in the upper margin of p.26, original paperback restored on the spine, otherwise perfect , with dedication by Marinetti: "to Giovanni Artieri with sympathy FT Marinetti". Copy no. 5014/6000.

Specialist Notes

C. Salaris, History of Futurism, p. 214: “In 1932 Marinetti, assisted by Fillia, edits for the types of Sonzogno "La cucina futurista", containing a recipe book which aims to enhance the absolute originality, the variety, the aesthetics of the food and the table, opting for an inexhaustible gastronomic experimentation. Eating therefore must no longer be an obedience to the imperatives of hunger, but a way to stimulate all the tactile-visual-olfactory-thermal-gustatory sensations in a singular poetry of the body. In a similar way, the alimentary rite is transformed into a surprising happening..." 

"The Carneplastico, the Solar Broth, the Aerovivanda. Food as artistic expression, as an instrument of the 'new'. Dishes that are transformed into paintings, sculptures, installations. Which become sensation, perception and noise and smell, even before taste. Futurist Cuisine is 90 years old , a text written jointly by two giants of Futurism: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and Fillia in 1932. A book "also" of recipes, no less than 172, published a year after the Manifesto of Futurist Cuisine, probably the most avant-garde and provocative of the writings of gastronomy of the last century, translated into English, French, German, Spanish and even Norwegian.
A "cooking" revolution, as Marinetti himself defined it, with the intention of intervening on matter to shake up the spirit, foster imagination, speed and 'dynamism' so dear to the current that a it numbered in its ranks Boccioni, Balla, Carrà, as well as Marinetti and Fillia themselves, pseudonym of Luigi Colombo, poet, painter and gastronome. The futurists spasmodically search for the new, the crazy, they create dishes that contain “ten, twenty flavors to be enjoyed in a few moments” and “plastic tasty, perfumed and tactile complexes” perfect for “simultaneous lunches”. (from "La Repubblica", 21 April 2022).

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