Collector Cars
Monday 29 November 2021, 05:00 PM • Online
Live auction begins in
SALE 113
Please note that the results listed on this page are inclusive of Finarte Buyer's Premium and exclusive of any applicable taxes and costs, unless otherwise noted.
The Department is available to send condition reports or further information for each lot. Interested bidders can now submit absentee bids and register for the auction. All lots can be inspected live or remotely via video by appointment by contacting the Department.
If you plan to register and attend the sale as bidder, we encourage you to register at least two working days before the Sale. You may register and bid as a telephone, online, or ab-sentee bidder. The registration process is simple and only takes a few minutes. To register, you can either cre-ate an account on our website, complete the registration process online and request to partecipate to the auction, or you can contact Client Service for alternate registra-tion options.
The following items will be required for you to submit your registration:
- One of the following: Driver’s License, Passport Identification, or ID Card
- If registering as a Company, Proof of Company (Incorporation documents, VAT/Tax Number)
- If you are a new client we may ask you a proof of funds (or Bank Statement).
All lots can be inspected live or remotely via video by appointment by contacting the DepartmentPhone: +39 02 3363801
Email: automotive@finarte.it
Conditions of Sale
Finarte has developed an innovative and effective online format, able to sell various types of vehicles all over the world to collectors, investment funds or newbies ready to enter the world of classic cars.
Following the success of last October’s online auction, also this year the department is preparing for a timed event lasting 15 days, exclusively digital.
Our experts are selecting rare and particular collectible cars of interest, offering specimens as an excellent investment for the future, always keeping in mind the pure passion for cars.
We are now inviting consignments of collectible cars of any era and type, racing and road. AUTOMOTIVE MASTERPIECES, a company specialized in digital archive, publishing and search for historic cars, supports the Automotive Department in its activity.
The Automotive Department also offers a Private Sales service.